In 1910, a legendary old bounty hunter named Silas Greaves enters a saloon in Abilene, Kansas and regales the patrons with tales of his adventures in exchange for free drinks. The patrons, Steve, Jack, and a teenager named Dwight, awe-struck at first, grow increasingly incredulous and irritated the more they listen to his ludicrous stories, in which he takes credit for the killings of numerous legendary outlaws including Butch Cassidy and Newman Haynes Clanton. At the end, just as the patrons are about to become fully enraged by Silas' over the top accounts of his travels, he reveals that Ben, the bartender, is in fact Roscoe "Bob" Bryant, one of the three bandits that murdered Silas' brothers and set him on the path of a bounty hunter; he had been deliberately exaggerating his tales to confirm his suspicions, with details Ben would know only if he were Roscoe. The player is then given a choice whether to challenge Bob to a duel, thus fulfilling Silas' vendetta at long last, or letting him go, in which case Silas finally lets go of the hate and anger that has been driving him for years.
The ending reveals that Dwight is indeed Dwight Eisenhower on his way to West Point. If the player chooses the "redemption" option and forgives Bob for his actions, Silas then asks Dwight what he plans to do with his life, and upon hearing that he's becoming a soldier, Silas says: "Well, you do it right then, son. Don't tear down the world out of anger and spite like I did. You build it up. You do something decent with your life. You hear me?" to which Dwight says, "Sir, yes sir" and sets out to become the 34th president of the United States. Screenshots
System requirements:
OS:Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor:Dual Core CPU 2.0 GHz
Memory:1 GB RAM
Graphics:Nvidia 8800 GT, Intel HD4000 or AMD HD3850
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