Monday, December 29, 2014

Resident Evil 6


Resident Evil 6 combines dynamic action and the tense atmosphere of the genre of survival horror. You will see again with familiar characters - Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield, as well as meet with newcomers, including, for example, Jake Mueller. As you progress through the story you will visit North America, Eastern European countries and the Chinese province of Edon Lanshyan.

We offer three separate, but closely intertwined stories. Each of them has its main characters, and each assumes the possibility of playing together - on the network. Leon Kennedy will make the company the U.S. government agent Helena Harper. Chris Redfield join forces with the employee APBT Nivensom Pierce, and the son of the famous Albert Ueskera, mercenary Jake Mueller, with the support of leading scientists daughter "Umbrella" by William and Annette Birkin - Sherry.

Combines the characters one thing they all have to face a new threat - a deadly and mysterious K-virus, capable of generating incredible mutation.


By the outbreak of the virus has spread throughout the world. To combat biougrozoy, heroes have to go to North America, Eastern Europe and China.
History of Resident Evil 6 is fed from three points of view - from the face of Chris Redfield, Leon Kennedy and Jake Mueller, each of which is accompanied by his partner.
Play Resident Evil 6 could either alone or over a network.

The deadly virus is able to take many, but always dangerous forms. In a series of Resident Evil zombies back! Now they run, jump and even use weapons. All this makes them more dangerous than ever before. In Eastern Europe heroes waiting for a new form of mutants - Dzh'avo. These enemies are incredibly quickly recovered and can easily heal their wounds. Moreover, with major damage to any area of ​​the body, Dzh'avo can start the process of controlled mutation, re-establish its combat capability and even get new features, which makes them even more dangerous and unpredictable.

Yet another form of mutation of the virus to - Dolly. The process of mutation of these creatures takes longer, but when it finally ended, liberty pulled out the most terrible and dangerous creatures.

Preferred mode "Mercenaries» (Mercenaries), well-proven in past Resident Evil, and will also appear in the new game series.
One feature of Resident Evil 6 will be a modified system of control of the character. From now on, the characters are able to shoot while running, sliding, rolling in any direction, to hide behind cover and use advanced melee attacks.



System requirements:
  • OS: Windows Vista/XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • Processor: Intel CoreTM2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better, AMD AthlonTM X2 2.8 Ghz or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 16 GB free hard drive space
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS or better
  • DirectX: 9.0c or greater
  • Sound: Standard audio device

  • OS: Windows Vista/XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • Processor: Intel CoreTM 2 Quad 2.7 Ghz or better, AMD PhenomTM II X4 3 Ghz or better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 16 GB free hard drive space
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or better
  • DirectX: 9.0c or greater
  • Sound: Standard audio device

Resident.evil.6.repack [5.08 GB]
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Monday, December 15, 2014

Tanda Android terinfeksi malware/virus

Malware bisa menyerang perangkat apa aja termasuk smartphone Android milik anda, Sayangnya serangan Malware di Android jarang diketahui padahal Malware yang ada di Android sangat berbahaya sebab bisa mencuri data rahasia sampai menggunakan kuota Internet anda.

Android terinfeksi malware

berikut ini ada beberapa tanda-tanda smartphone anda terjangkit malware. mau tahu apa saja tandanya simak dibawah ini:

1. Daya tahan baterai menurun
Jika tiba tiba daya tahan baterai anda menurun tanpa sebab maka anda harus mecurigainya bisa saja smartphone android anda sudah dimasuki malware yang menguras tenaga baterai untuk beroperasi.
2. Dropped call dan gangguan panggilan
Malware bisa menguping pembicaraan yang dilakukan dengan perangkat Android. Ketika hal ini terjadi, bisa muncul efek samping berupa gangguan panggilan atau dropped call.
3. Tagihan telepon yang membengkak
Jika tiba tiba tagihan telepon menjadi membesar padahal anda tidak banyak menggunakan telepon untuk hal hal yang menghabiskan banyak uang. Bisa jadi ini adalah ulah malware yang berusaha mencuri pulsa anda.
4. Konsumsi data naik tiba-tiba
Yang satu ini juga bisa terjadi akibat malware, mirip dengan keanehan tagihan telepon di atas. Perubahan pola upload atau download boleh jadi merupakan pertanda bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu sedang memanfaatkan koneksi internet pada perangkat Android.
5. Performa yang menurun
Biasanya android yang terinfeksi malware maka performanya akan menurun hal ini karena malware tadi terus menerus berjalan sehingga menguras memori RAM dan memakan load prosesor yang tinggi.
Demikian penjelasan saya tentang tanda-tanda malware berbahaya yang ada pada android. 

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Cara menghilangkan nama ikon di desktop


Cara menghilangkan nama ikon di desktop

secara default setiap icon-icon yang ada pada desktop akan diberikan nama  agar pengguna mengetahui nama dari icon-icon tersebut. contohnya seperti yang sudah kita lihat.
Namun pernahkan anda memikirkan apabila nama icon tersebut dihilangkan dan menyisakan iconnya saja, keren bukan?
Tutor saya disini akan menunjukan bagaimana cara menghilangkan nama daripada icon tersebut dengan mudah.---

1. kita buka yang namanya Character Map. caranya Start - Search - ketik character map

2. buka character map lalu cari character yang bernama Calibri. 

3. cari character No-Break Space atau yang kosong seperti dibawah ini:

4. copy character tersebut lalu klik rename pada icon dan paste-kan character tersebut. hasilnya akan seperti ini:

Apa bila anda ingin mengosongkan semua nama icon di dekstop, anda tinggal double-paste kan character tersebut dan seterusnya.
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